Did your life turn upside down after a breakup or divorce?
If so – I can help you!
I will help you Be HAPPY Again After a Breakup & DESIGN Your LIFE in ONLY 6 weeks.
In my EXCLUSIVE 6-week intensive Be HAPPY Again After a Breakup & DESIGN Your LIFE coaching program, including 2 INDIVIDUAL sessions, you will get ALL the know-how, STEP BY STEP guidance, accountability and support to be happy again and start living a BEAUTIFUL LIFE that you want!
You are genuinely happy again no matter because you created your inner happiness.
You truly enjoy your life, and you know how to find joy in everyday activities.
You smile a lot and you attract positive people around you.
You are walking with confidence and grace.
You are achieving goal after goal, because you use your strengths and your potential, you have the drive, and you know what to do next.
Let me ask you:
Are you struggling after a breakup or are you during a divorce process?
Are you feeling sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, or anxiety?
Are you feeling shame, guilt, blame, or fear?
Are you feeling, “I’m not enough?”
Or you ask yourself:
“What is life about?”
“What is my purpose in life?”
“What’s next”?
You don’t have energy to get up from bed and do your regular activities.
You don’t believe that you can get your self-esteem or your self-confidence back.
You don’t believe you can be happy again.
You don’t believe you will find love again.
You don’t know anymore how to enjoy life.
If your answer is “Yes” to most of the questions and statements, then you might be the perfect candidate for this program.
This program is NOT for you if:
You are genuinely feeling happy after the breakup.
You have already moved on towards the right direction.
You are not ready to make a huge change and take massive action to improve the quality of your life.
You prefer to continue being stuck and be in the same place in 3 months’ time, 1 year, 5 years, longer.r.
Within JUST 6 weeks, I will walk you STEP BY STEP so you can start living a BEAUTIFUL LIFE again.
You will, among others:
Change your mindset - you will enjoy life as never before.
Rediscover your blueprint - you will see what an amazing person you are.
Rediscover your potential - you will know all your strengths.
Find what life really means to you - it can be a huge surprise.
Learn to manage so-called “negative emotions” - you will know your emotional intelligence.
Set your lifetime goals - they will be in line with your values, beliefs, potential, passions, needs and purpose.
Take massive action - you will succeed.
Here’s how the program “How to Get Over a Breakup and be Happy and Strong Again” works:
When you join the program you will be asked to do an online personality test to learn more about yourself. The results will be crucial for Module 2.
You will receive access to four modules scheduled for six weeks. The modules consist of almost 40 lessons with countless tips, several videos and also assignment forms that help you in your progress. Each module has a different topic where you will be guided on what to do and how to do it.
There will be group coaching calls with me every week on a different topic to make sure you get all the support you need. You will be able to exchange your experiences, challenges and achievements with other ladies, so that you can give each other extra support and accountability.
I’m sure that when you take the assignments and implement the steps, you will be happy and strong again and you will design the life you want.
On top of the online program, you will also get TWO individual coaching sessions with me via Zoom, one after you complete the first two modules and one after you complete the program.
How will you benefit:
You will find your inner happiness and inner peace.
You will know how many amazing assets you have in you and how to use them.
You will be super confident, strong and resilient.
You will respect yourself and set the right boundaries.
You will become a person who spreads positive energy and attracts fabulous people.
You will find an abundance of joy and beauty around you.
Daily Habits
- You will discover daily habits so you can enjoy small things, moments and everything you do, even if you dislike them now.
- You will find your inner happiness, true happiness, that doesn’t depend on others and the outside world.
- You will also learn various methods that help you find positive in every situation.
Your Blueprint
- You will discover who you are inside, without your diplomas, work, and other roles in your life.
- You will find out what is your full potential that you can use in your life to succeed. You will be surprised.
- You will find the true purpose in life, what genuinely is important to you, and this is not always what you think.
- You will identify what really triggers your emotions and makes you feel sad, angry, frustrated, guilty, or ashamed. Is that true?
- You will learn how to manage so-called “negative emotions” – you will be in control of them.
- You will find your own ways on how to handle stress.
On the way to success
- You will receive a complete practical toolbox that will help you succeed.
- You will set your goals in line with your blueprint, your potential and your purpose.
- When you are at this point, you will be unstoppable, no matter what, because you will have taken massive action by now.
You will be happy and strong again, you will design your life to live a beautiful life that you want.
When you met your ex years earlier…
you thought that you both were perfect for each other, that he was your Mr. Right forever. First, you both were madly in love, your honeymoon lasted for the first couple of months, maybe even years. You both did everything for each other. You thought you would spend the whole life together, forever.
And one day, the relationship ended.
It doesn’t matter what was the reason for the breakup. Whether he lost attraction for you, you for him, or one of you cheated. The result is the same. You don’t know how to be happy again and how to enjoy life again.
You may be sitting on your bed, crying every day, listening to love songs, while watching old pictures with him and bringing back old memories.
It is time to create NEW MEMORIES and NEW LIFE.
How do I know I can help you?
You see, I can relate to it, because I’ve been there. It was 2017 when I was asked for a divorce after almost 20 years together. I lost the opportunity to enjoy living a loving, rich life full of beautiful moments and luxury holidays. I lost the identity of who I truly was. I used to be “a wife of…” I had no idea what to do next. I lacked self-esteem and self-confidence. I felt insecure about myself. I didn’t know if I could be happy and strong again.
But I did it.
I wish I had more clarity back then of the right approach and steps to take to design and build my life. If I would have known, it would have saved lots of stress.
And I found my way to be happy and strong again. More, I found my new purpose in life, helping women like you. I turned my struggles into my strengths. I know who I truly and authentically am. I am Sylwia Borowy, a happy and strong person who helps now other women be happy and strong, and life the life they want.
With the right approach, step-by-step process, accountability, and support, you can have that clarity from the beginning and you will be happy and strong again. You will also receive the toolbox on how to set and achieve your goals. And you will TAKE ACTION, because nothing will happen until you decide and until you take action. You are the CEO of your life.
I WILL BE THERE FOR YOU. So, no worries, you won’t be alone.
I will help you find your way so you can design and live a beautiful life.
“It’s my pleasure to offer my unreserved appreciation to Sylwia Borowy for her passionate career towards her work in making you believe in yourself.
I came to know her from LinkedIn. We had a chat which inspired me so much and made me closer to her because I needed to learn from her experience of life and I benefited a lot. Most importantly she encouraged me to be focused on all I do in order to achieve my goals, she referred me to read her wall, and some of her articles which I found very interesting, motivating and inspiring, which I would highly recommend others to read, too.
Among the articles are,
- EMPOWERMENT. It is never about blame but it’s about responsibility. Many times we don’t take our own mistakes as ours, instead we put them on others. By the time you finish this article you will amazingly be different.
- Think positive and positive things will happen. Avoid negative mindset.
Sylwia Borowy is undoubtedly a fantastic article and book writer. She has come across with great ideas to change you to a better person Just like me.”
“Sylwia is hard-wired to find the good in both people and situations. She doesn’t get bogged down in “what ifs” unless they’re productive, forward-looking propositions, nor does she get mired in negativity. Somehow Sylwia manages to stay above the emotional fray and resists coddling fears. She will help you to recognize the battles you have with your mind – the battles where your life is at stake. She helps you sort out the voices of the brain from the voices of intuition and she gives you permission to listen to your whole being – your body and your soul. Sylwia recognizes the value of change, creation, positivity, different perspective and rich living. She’s a good one to have on your side.”
“Sylwia has an inherent capacity to listen for what’s needed and draw out the concerns, passions, and ideas of others. Sylwia is authentically selfless in her contributions, and I’ve seen her providing priceless value to many people through her regular coaching.
I highly recommend Sylwia to anyone looking for a coach who will create a positive, nurturing, and common-sense space to support your personal and professional development.”
One time payment
Access to the online program and 8x group and 2x individual coaching sessions
One time payment
Two payments
Access to the online program and 8x group and 2x individual coaching sessions
Two payments billed monthly (2 x EUR 523)
VIP access
Access to the online program and 8x group and 2x individual coaching sessions including:
Daily contact via email – reply within 24 hours through the duration of the 6 weeks of the program
Extra 90 min individual session “Plan SELF-LOVE Tailored to Your Personal Needs” with Sylwia, value of EUR 300
One time payment
Fast Action Bonus
EXTRA 90 min individual session with me, “Plan SELF-LOVE Tailored to Your Personal Needs”, value of EUR 300.
It will only be available until 8pm CET tomorrow, 2nd of February, so for the next 24 hours.
This is what Manjusa says…
“Sometimes we are fortunate enough to have few people in our life with whom we can share our thoughts, ideas, and even discuss those small small issues which others don’t even want to listen to. Simple reason is they listen, understand, analyze, and give us true feedback. Sylwia Borowy is one of those. She is a life coach by profession and a good heart person and most importantly a good human being.
I believe her passion is her driving force and she loves what she does. She has developed so many innovative ways to offer a basket of solutions. If you are looking for someone to help you to find your inner peace or explore your inner potential or want to transform your life in a happy life, I will recommend Sylwia Borowy – The life coach.”
This is what Folake says…
“Sylwia always has love to give from my experience with her so far. She’s an expert at what she does and through this she’s impacted so many other people. I am a beneficiary of her ‘calling’. So when you’re looking for a Life or Career Coach, someone who will put your needs first and turn the spotlight on your strength, Sylwia is your connection.
I see what you do and how you do what you do, I know you’re a pacesetter and I can see you going places. Let your light shine so brightly!!!”
Why can you trust me to work with you?
I am a Divorce & Relationship & Empowerment Coach who handles the whole range of different human problems and situations. I help my clients rediscover their strengths, passions and potential, and find a new purpose in life. I help them boost their self-esteem and self-confidence, and find more joy and positivity in their lives.
I specialize in helping women after a breakup and divorce so they can be happy and strong again, and live the life they want. My motto is: “Believe in your strengths & live a beautiful life.”
On the personal page, I am originally from Poland and I live in the Netherlands, previously enjoying an expat life in Brazil and Mexico raising my twins, now young adults.
After I had experienced several challenging transitions in my life, in particular my divorce, I decided to help others through my coaching services and writing about how to be more positive and how to enjoy life.
Do you have any questions about the program that I have not answered on this page or you want to talk in person with me to see if you are a perfect fit for this program? Please send me a message to: sylwia@newomancoaching.com or book a complimentary call with me:
“I can get back my happiness and strength on my own”
- That’s fine, but you have been on this journey already for a while, alone, and yet without achieving the results you wish to have.
“The program costs a lot of money”
- I truly understand that the program might be rather expensive for some of the ladies, but personal training, including two individual sessions with me and also weekly group coaching sessions for the period of 8 weeks, is a premium service, and it certainly isn’t an investment you can take lightly.
“I have no time now”
Okay, if you put time aside, do you have any other objections? If not, I will help you organize 3-4 hours a week time to go through the modules. The 4 modules are scheduled for 6 weeks to give you enough time to take all the steps.
“When is the program starting and how can I access it?”
- You will get a welcome email and also access to the online program “How to Get Over a Breakup and be Happy and Strong Again.” We start officially on 8th of February, but you will do the personal test prior to starting the program. We will schedule the first individual coaching sessions with you to have them between the 1st-15th of March. Our first group coaching call will be on the 11th of February. I want to make sure you walk away with results, that’s why we do this.
“Will the program really help me?”
- Yes, it will, when you take the steps, when you do the assignments and attend the individual and group sessions.