Products & Services


Product #1

“How To Get Over Your Ex and Be Happy After A Breakup In 5 Simple Steps in 3 Months” is the first book I wrote. I did experience each and every part in the book. I went through a tough period with lots of tears and sleepless nights. I was helpless and hopeless. But next to grieving, I went myself through all the 5 steps. If you follow them, you will where you want to be.

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Product #2

“Is Your Relationship On Rocks? Check Out The Red Flags Here!” is my second book. After I had finished the first book, I realized that I can help women who are in unhappy relationships, or relationships which are on rocks. This book shows some differences between women and men, mainly their minds and communication skills. It reveals the main traits which men  hate by women. It lists the most common, but not always visible, red flags of a relationship in danger to end. Finally, I give you tips what to do to make him love you and what to do and not to do when he says “I’m Leaving you”.

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